Why a Movie?
The goal is to bring awareness and educate society, especially the churches while validating the millions of bereaved parents. Would you consider donating $10 to be a part of this life-changing venture? Target Audiences-380,000 churches nationwide. I just finished my dissertation project. It was a 90-question questionnaire in which bereaved parents participated from six countries, a total of 312 responses. The majority of the participants declared that they received no support at all from their pastoral leadership and their congregations isolated them or avoided them after the funeral. As a consequence, 43.3% left the church altogether! I believe this is unacceptable! As a Doctor of Ministry effective December 13, 2024, I have talked to several pastors who confessed to me that they just don’t know what to do to support the bereaved parent. In my dissertation, there is a chapter for the pastoral leadership that they can use as a guide and I even wrote a series of sermons for them to give to educate themselves, and their congregation and validate the bereaved parent along the way. Last August God opened a new door for me to meet a group of filmmakers, actors, producers, distributors, and I attended a bunch of classes on film making. I had no idea why God had put this on my path at the time. I met a filmmaker mother in Oklahoma who was making a movie. She took me under her wing, praying with me and encouraging me. I asked God for guidance, asking him questions like “Why me?” and “How can I do this?”. He reminded me I was not alone on this journey and he has been preparing me all along. My Background: I worked my way up the ranks in the post office with no education, just hard work always achieving the goals set before me. The highlights of my career were being promoted to five different post offices as the postmaster, earning a Benjamin Award along the way which was presented to me on stage by the Postmaster General himself. I have also successfully held down the positions of retail manager for the whole state of Oklahoma running 637 retail post offices, and the 387 retail post offices in the Dallas Metro Plex achieving a goal of $296 million each year!  He reminded me how I achieved those goals with teamwork, including all my employees, and he reminded me that there are millions of bereaved parents, and that’s how I would achieve this goal, with teamwork! Now God has given me the story as well… And my plan is to make a movie to educate churches nationwide promoting a Crossing The Grief Bridge movie night. Of course, this is a long-term goal. Independent movies don’t get made overnight. One of the criteria that producers directors and film studios look for is a following or film base and of course, fundraising. You have to prove there is a need for the movie by building a fan base and fundraising so that you can attract a talented director or an established leading lady! Signing up 100 Ambassadors is just the first step in Phase One. Each Ambassador collects 25 -$10 donations. For their participation, they will have their name and their child's name in the movie credits. The goal is to have a foundation of 2,500 supporters by the end of December. A $10 donation qualifies you as a supporter and gives you access in January to a private Backstage Grief Bridge Movie Facebook Group, where you will receive bi-weekly updates on the movie's progress, including fundraising and fan base numbers with a goal of 30,000 by the end of 2025. You must sign up through the link below so your email will qualify you as a fan with backstage access. Phase Two will begin in January 2025. With some special incentives in limited numbers to aid the fundraising effort. Once these two are in place base and fundraising a package has begun to build. I will be seeking an A-list director and an A-list actress who has lost a child, they will instinctively understand. Please pray that God prepares their hearts to be receptive. I hope this project will touch your heart and that you will want to come along and be a part of this culture-changing adventure of continuing the bonds with our children. My heart is to help as many bereaved parents as possible ease their journey a little! Would you care to consider making a $10 donation towards this important cause? Just click on the link below to donate and gain access in January to a private backstage group to get updates first about the movie Together we can make a difference! God bless each of you, Cali Anderson Bereaved Mother Bereaved Parents Advocate Continuing Bonds Advocate Grief Educator Compassionate Friend
My name is Cali Anderson and I am the founder of Grief Bridge and JAWS. It is with a heavy heart that I welcome you, I am here just like you. My mission is to close the gap between the griever and the world through education, awareness, validation, and Spiritual Truths. I pray you feel validated in your feelings as you visit my pages. I pray you share my page so that others can be validated and educated. Awareness is the key. If we keep telling the world we’re fine when we’re not fine, we are teaching them that we don’t need help! We need to educate the world on how to help us, and all those who must follow in our footsteps. This is a horrendous journey, one I would not, I wish on my worst enemy in any nation! We are stronger together. Two huge points, that I am adamant about: 1. Avoidance makes us sicker! Tell your story! 2. Follow your heart, no matter what anybody tells you, it is your life to live, and your grief, not Theirs. Only you know how to heal your heart 💜 We are stronger together and I need your help to continue the mission, but in a bigger fashion. God has put it on my heart to write a movie that will educate and validate society, diminishing the unrealistic expectations that increases the burden bereaved parents already carry.